Aldave / Mahler
P. Aldave
Akelarre. Basque Rhapsody No.2 [24']*
G. Mahler
Symphony No.9 [87']
*Only in Bilbao, San Sebastian and Pamplona.
Robert Treviño
Date & Place
Starting from
10 €Information
The "incantation" is one of the underlying themes of Season 24/25 appearing from the first ticket programme, with an excerpt from the ballet Akelarre by Pascual Aldave. The composer from Lesaka dedicated the second of the four Basque Rhapsodies that make up the ballet to Pío Baroja's La dama de Urtubi, specifically to the closing stretch of the story describing the meeting and the witches’ dance. Then, Robert Treviño will take us a step further in this impressive project he has headed over these past seasons: the performance of Gustav Mahler's complete symphonic cycle. This time it will be the turn of Symphony No. 9, the last he composed in its entirety. He composed it in 1909, shortly after being diagnosed with the heart disease that was to cause his death in 1910. Bruno Walter, who premiered it posthumously, described it as "a peaceful farewell; concluding, the clouds dissolve into the blue of the sky".
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Concerts & Tickets March