The orchestra

Legal notice

Conditions of use

Legal information

Article 10 of Law 34/2002, dated 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, establishes that the provider of information society services will be obliged to enable means which permit both the receivers of the service and the competent bodies to permanently, easily, directly and free of charge access, by electronic means, the following information:

Domain name:


Owner: ORQUESTA DE EUSKADI, S.A., company with its address at Paseo Miramón, nº 124, Donostia-San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa), entered on the Company Register of Gipuzkoa, volume 1.357, folio 1, sheet SS-7.171 and with Tax ID Number A-20077541 (hereinafter, “ORQUESTA DE EUSKADI”).

Other interesting information: ORQUESTA DE EUSKADI is a Public Company belonging to the Basque Government, which holds 100% of its share capital.


Sphere, purpose and scope

These provisions (hereinafter, the “CONDITIONS OF USE”), regulate access to and use of the website service provided by the ORQUESTA DE EUSKADI to Internet Users (hereinafter, the “USER/S”) through the domain (hereinafter, the “WEBSITE”).

The above notwithstanding, access to certain contents and the use of some services made available by the ORQUESTA DE EUSKADI to the USER through this WEBSITE may be subject to a number of particular conditions (hereinafter, the “PARTICULAR CONDITIONS”) which, depending on the case at hand, will substitute, complete and/or alter these CONDITIONS OF USE and which, in the event of contradiction, will prevail over the latter. Said PARTICULAR CONDITIONS, when applicable, will be available for consultation by USERS on the WEBSITE.

As a result, before accessing said contents and/or using said services, the USER must carefully read and, where necessary, accept the PARTICULAR CONDITIONS regulating the aforementioned in the version published at the moment of proceeding with said access and/or use.

ORQUESTA DE EUSKADI reserves the right to make, at any time and with no need for prior warning, any changes or updates to the contents, to these CONDITIONS OF USE and, if required, to the corresponding PARTICULAR CONDITIONS and, in general, to all elements making up the WEBSITE design and configuration. All of the above within the limits established in this regard by applicable legislation with respect to the contents lodged in the Sections “Contractor’s Profile” and “Transparency”.

The CONDITIONS OF USE published in the latest WEBSITE update will apply and those applicable to every visit will be as published in the WEBSITE at that moment in time.

By accessing the WEBSITE, the user expressly and unreservedly agrees to and accepts these CONDITIONS OF USE establishing the terms and conditions of its use; said acceptance has the same validity and effectiveness as a written, signed contract. In the event of the USER not fully accepting these CONDITIONS OF USE, they will not be authorised to access the WEBSITE.

Economic conditions of access to and use of the WEBSITE

Unless otherwise stipulated in the PARTICULAR CONDITIONS, access to the WEBSITE and its contents is free of charge; this excludes the cost of connection to the telecommunications network contracted by the USER with their provider.

Industrial and Intellectual Property Rights

All Industrial and Intellectual Property rights corresponding to the WEBSITE are legally reserved and under no circumstances can their access or use by the USER be considered as the authorisation of a licence of use or right to any asset whose ownership corresponds to the ORQUESTA DE EUSKADI and/or any third parties. Said reserved rights include (i) the WEBSITE look and feel and its code, design and browsing structure; (ii) contents in any format included and distributed through the WEBSITE and, particularly, any catalogues, programmes and posters included in the WEBSITE by the ORQUESTA DE EUSKADI.

It is forbidden to use references to trade names, brands, logos or other distinctive signs included on the WEBSITE, whether or not they are registered and whether or not they belong to the ORQUESTA DE EUSKADI or to third parties, without express consent from the ORQUESTA DE EUSKADI or from their legal owner.

As a result, the USER can only view and use the contents and services made available to them on the WEBSITE for strictly personal and private use, and provided that their purpose is not to develop commercial or professional actions using said contents and/or services.

It is also forbidden to decompile, disassemble, proceed with reverse engineering, sub-license or convey in any way, translate or proceed with works on the basis of the computer programs necessary for functioning, access and use of the WEBSITE. The USER shall in any event abstain from deleting, changing, avoiding or manipulating any protective device or security systems installed on the WEBSITE.

Liability and guarantees

Anyone using the WEBSITE does so at their own risk. By accessing the WEBSITE, the USER undertakes (i) not to behave in any way likely to harm the image, interest and rights of the ORQUESTA DE EUSKADI or third parties, or which could damage, render useless or overload the WEBSITE, or which could prevent, in any way, normal use of the same; and (ii) to use it in full respect of traffic laws and uses.

As a result, the USER shall answer to the ORQUESTA DE EUSKADI and/or to third parties for any damage caused by them as a result of failing to observe said obligations.

ORQUESTA DE EUSKADI takes the security measures it considers necessary to keep the WEBSITE functioning properly and to detect the existence of harmful viruses and components. However, the USER must note that the security measures of online computer systems are not completely trustworthy and that, therefore, the ORQUESTA DE EUSKADI cannot guarantee (i) the continuous availability of the contents and services appearing on the WEBSITE; (ii) the absence of errors in said contents or the correction of any defect which may occur; (iii) the non-existence of viruses or other harmful elements which may cause changes in the USER’s computer systems (software and hardware) or in the electronic documents and files contained therein; or (iv) the fail-safe nature of the security measures taken.

Furthermore, ORQUESTA DE EUSKADI reserves the right to partially or totally interrupt the service, temporarily or definitively, in the event of technical changes or breakdowns; it will, if possible, give prior notice by means of the WEBSITE or of any other means enabled for this purpose. All of the above within the limits established in this regard by existing legislation with respect to the contents lodged in the Sections “Contractor’s Profile” and “Transparency”.


Linked sites

Through the WEBSITE, ORQUESTA DE EUSKADI offers the USER technical connections to links (such as buttons, links and banners) which may lead them to other Internet sites or portals belonging to and/or managed by third parties and over which ORQUESTA DE EUSKADI has no control (hereinafter, the “LINKED SITES”).

The USER must note that when using said link connections and accessing the LINKED SITES from the WEBSITE, these CONDITIONS OF USE are no longer applicable.

ORQUESTA DE EUSKADI neither knows nor controls the contents and services included in the LINKED WEBSITES, and the inclusion of access to these websites through this WEBSITE does not, under any circumstances, imply (i) that ORQUESTA DE EUSKADI recommends or approves the contents and services lodged in the LINKED SITES; and/or (ii) that any kind of relationship, collaboration or dependence exists between ORQUESTA DE EUSKADI and those responsible for the LINKED SITE.

As a result, ORQUESTA DE EUSKADI accepts no liability whatsoever for the LINKED SITES and, therefore, does not answer for the manner in which they function, for their contents and services, or for links contained in said LINKED SITES.

In the event of the USER obtaining effective knowledge of the illegal or inappropriate nature of the contents, services or any other activities developed through a LINKED SITE, they must immediately inform ORQUESTA DE EUSKADI in order that it may take the steps it deems necessary.


The establishment of hypertext links (hyperlinks) in other websites and pages is authorised, provided that they are directed to the home page of, or, where appropriate, to any other deep link of the WEBSITE and for the corresponding pages to appear in a complete window and under their respective URL addresses, assuming full liability and risk for any situation potentially arising as a result of establishing the hyperlink to the website.

Under no circumstances can the website or page establishing the hyperlink declare that the ORQUESTA DE EUSKADI has authorised said hyperlink, unless the ORQUESTA DE EUSKADI has done so expressly and in writing.

In the event that the third party placing the hyperlink on their website or page wishes to include the brand, name, commercial name, caption, logo or any other identifying element belonging to ORQUESTA DE EUSKADI and/or referring to the WEBSITE, they must obtain prior authorisation, express and in writing, from the ORQUESTA DE EUSKADI.

Notwithstanding the above, it is expressly forbidden to present a page from the website in a window of another website not belonging to ORQUESTA DE EUSKADI using the technique known as “framing”, unless express consent to do so has been obtained from ORQUESTA DE EUSKADI.

Furthermore, it is expressly forbidden to insert any kind of content circulated through, in another website or page other than the WEBSITE using the "in line linking” technique if express consent to do so has not been obtained from ORQUESTA DE EUSKADI.

The establishment of a hyperlink in keeping with the aforementioned conditions will not imply, in any circumstances, the existence of relations between ORQUESTA DE EUSKADI and the owner/person responsible for the website or page on which said hyperlink is established, or the acceptance or approval by ORQUESTA DE EUSKADI of its contents and/or services.

In any event, ORQUESTA DE EUSKADI reserves the right to forbid or render useless at any time any hyperlink to the WEBSITE, particularly in cases of unlawful activity and/or contents of the website or page in which it is included.

Next events

Concerts & Tickets October

1 Tu
2 We
3 Th
4 Fr
5 Sa
6 Su
7 Mo
8 Tu
9 We
10 Th
11 Fr
12 Sa
13 Su
14 Mo
15 Tu
16 We
16 october, 2024 Wednesday, 09:45 h.
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School Concerts: Misterioa
17 Th
18 Fr
19 Sa
19 october, 2024 Saturday, 12:00 h.
Music Room Misterioa Donostia / San Sebastián
19 october, 2024 Saturday, 19:00 h.
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ABAO Bilbao Opera: Don Pasquale
20 Su
21 Mo
22 Tu
22 october, 2024 Tuesday, 19:30 h.
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ABAO Bilbao Opera: Don Pasquale
23 We
24 Th
24 october, 2024 Thursday, 11:15 h.
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25 Fr
25 october, 2024 Friday, 19:30 h.
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ABAO Bilbao Opera: Don Pasquale
26 Sa
26 october, 2024 Saturday, 11:00 h.
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Matinée 2: Kup Taldea
26 october, 2024 Saturday, 19:30 h.
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27 Su
28 Mo
28 october, 2024 Monday, 19:30 h.
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29 Tu
30 We
31 Th
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