Logelan logale
Logelan logale is the title of a cantata intended for 5th and 6th year primary school pupils to be premiered by the Basque National Orchestra in May 2025 in both San Sebastian and Vitoria. This is a participatory concert in which the pupils, grouped into large choirs, will sing alongside the Basque National Orchestra to perform a work composed precisely for the occasion. Logelan logale will continue in May 2026 in Bilbao and Pamplona, joined by the Bilbao Symphony Orchestra and the Navarra Symphony Orchestra, respectively.
Logelan logale is an initiative that forms part of the European ARTIS+ project for social inclusion, through which we seek to promote choral singing in our country’s schools.
"What is the border between reality and the dream world? How much time and importance do dreams have in our day-to-day? Does what we dream go to the same place it does when we are awake?
Our leading figure cannot achieve asleep. He feels too tired to surrender his body and mind to sleep. He thinks back over his day, trying to relax, but fails. As he tries to cross that line during the dark hours, he always comes up against something or someone. What can it be? Who can it be? Won’t it really be the same thing?
We want this cantata to sing forth what happens during a night of "fantasy" and to offer a musical narration of the adventures we experience when we think we are sleeping".
This concert is part of the ARTIS+ project, which is 65% co-financed by the European Union through the Interreg VI-A Spain-France-Andorra Program (POCTEFA 2021-2027). The aim of POCTEFA is to strengthen the economic and social integration of the Spain-France-Andorra border area.
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