Season tickets
Reasons for becoming a season ticket holder
- I pay a lot less compared to the price of single tickets (up to almost 40% depending on the seat location).
- I can buy single tickets at a special price for Season Concerts (in any of the four capitals).
- I get a discount on the price of a season ticket for the Miramón Matinées..
- I can receive a text message with the date of the next Season concert.
- I can receive an e-mail with the programme for the next Season Concert.
- I can receive the Euskor digital newsletter, containing news of the Basque National Orchestra.
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Concerts & Tickets March
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15 Sa

Miramon Matinées Matinée 11: Christoph Sietzen + Perkusio-saila Donostia / San Sebastián Buy tickets
Matinée 11: Christoph Sietzen + Perkusio-saila16 Su
20 Th
21 Fr
23 Su
24 Mo
25 Tu
26 We
30 Su
31 Mo