Friday 03 December, 2010


The second edition of the Basque National Orchestra Music Laboratory is now underway. This year the project, an initiative launched and led by BNO Principal Conductor Andrés Orozco-Estrada, will be aimed at young orchestra conductors from around the world. The application deadline for participating in the upcoming edition is December 22, 2010. Four conductors will then be selected from among the applicants to take part in the Laboratory. The names of the four successful candidates will be posted on the Orchestra website on February 1, 2011.

The Conductors Laboratory will take place from March 10 through 12, 2011. The programme will consist of several lab sessions with Andrés Orozco-Estrada and the Basque National Orchestra at the Orchestra's San Sebastián headquarters, and will culminate in a concert as part of the Miramón Matinées series.

Applications are invited for candidates from all over the world. Eligible candidates must be under the age of 35, and either hold a degree in orchestral conducting or be currently pursuing an upper-level degree in orchestral conducting.

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